Governor Okezie Ikpeazu performs miracle at the CKC Cathedral, Aba – Ufomba 

Ochiagha Reagan Ufomba wrote
Governor Okezie Ikpeazu performs miracle at the CKC Cathedral, Aba: turns perennial booing of government officials into thunderous applause.
There was palpable fear among the priests and congregants as I was invited to deliver a goodwill message, on behalf of Governor Okezie Ikpeazu, to hundreds of thousands of worshippers of Catholic adherents from all the parishes that make up the Aba Diocese at the chrism mass, which unusually too place on Tuesday, and presided over by His Lordship, Most Rev Dr Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, Bishop of Umuahia and Apostolate of Ahiara Diocese.

For several years, the no-nonsense worshippers at the CKC are known for their booing of government personalities who dared address them due largely to non performance in office.
But this jinx was broken yesterday, tuesday the 26th day of March, as the usual booing turned to thunderous claps, hails, and applause of the Governor and his achievement that regularly punctuated my well tailored speech on his vow, resolve, and commitment to more service delivery to the people of God’s own state, and indeed the cementing of a renewed vigor in his relationship with the Catholic Church, in particular.
The governor had earlier on Sunday returned the certificate of occupancy of a disputed land to the Catholic Church of St Josephs, cessation of work at the disputed Etche road playground, the hosting of Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu to a state bouquet, and the imminent immortalization of the late pioneer bishop of Aba diocese, His Lordship, most reverend Dr Valentine Vincent Ezeonyia, cssp, among others.
“Surprised” was the word as most of the priests put it after the well attended mass, “but not out of place” as according to them “the governor has done well in so short a time”.
“You tunned in from the right frequency”, the Bishop concluded.

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