By Jonathan Onumaegbu.

For a man presumably accustomed to barking out orders to subdued surbodinates in the few places he had held sway, and at same time watching such surbordinates flinch or tremble in fear of severe repercussions, it has been very difficult for APGA factional leader Allex Otti to come to terms with the fact that Abians are not massified members of staff under him who could be cowed into submission and or hoodwinked with monumental falsehoods and DRAB lies that are grossly at variance with realities on ground. It has been difficult for him to swallow the fact that he has been unelectable till date not just because of his controversial nativity or place of origin claims, but because he has never been able to and might never ever be able to proffer any sustainable programmes that could be of benefit to Abia outside what he has so far craftily copied and adapted from his arch nemesis Okezie Ikpeazu’s programmes and detailed rules for actions.
No wonder he now no longer attacks Ikpeazu head- on but would rather encourage a legion of hacks who now submerge themselves under various group – identities to write very scathing, scandal -dripping, malodorous garbage against Abia State Governor and his administration.
One such faceless group recently going by the tag of “Abia Democratic Movement” threw conscience to the winds and published such enormous rubbish against Abia state administation that one could be forgiven for believing that the writer is not resident in this country let alone Abia, and that he may have been receiving information about the place now called Abia, of its 1950s life , events and activities when bucket latrines were the vogue and the white colonialist used his dogs to frieghten citizizens out his sight and presence.
Look at one of the writer’s disgraceful claims: “that in Abia state now people are dropping dead on the streets in large numbers due to lack of basic clinics where even the most common diseases can be treated” . Waaooh !
See another one like this : ” That presently Abia State is so insecure, so dangerous to live in, and ridden with fatalities that people are scared of coming here for businesses or holidays ” And that Ikpeazu is responsible for these fabrications. The propagandist’s write-up has scores of other witheringly scornful garbage and tirades like these directed against the state . . . and then the biggeset one. . bang . . that only Jesus Christ- – -sorry “only Alex Otti (come from heaven) “has the CAPACITY to turn the state into a heavenly kingdom soonest.”
What this hireling with his scandal – dripping pen forgot however is that when lies become so awfully contrasting with the truth, when fabrications become indefensibly at variance with reality such that even imbeciles can detect them, they become counter – productive and even begin to work infavour of the unjustly maligned and the offensively accused.
Was it not only few weeks ago that Federal statistics issued by a non – PDP controlled Federal Government ranked Abia as the second most peaceful and crime free state in Nigeria? I mean in Nigeria of 36 states? Yet this Allex Otti’s hack keeps telling people in daispora that they should not come home until his principal Otti has taken over power in his dream land. This type and level of besmearing propaganda were usually associated with depraved minds that had no scrupples. It is unfortunate that people should degenerate so low in the name of politics.
Please, in which of the towns in Abia state have corpses of people dropping dead in large numbers as a result of lack of basic clinics that could treat the most common diseases been seen ? This could only be accusations of a writer with a warped sense of loyality to a principal who is so desperate to circulate within the corridors of power that he is prepared to persuade the world to believe that the Pope is a muslim.
Dr Otti and his group are now so desperate, so thirsty for power that they now appear to suffer what psychologists refer to as ‘Selective Perception’ a situation where an individual can see red and consciously believe it is white and even vehemently defends his belief or position. Any individual obssesed with this often throw in a bit of delusion of grandeur into their mindsets where they now only see themselves as having the CAPACITIES and the mental endowments to bring any striking changes to the World.
Imagine this same writer also shamelessly saying that artisans in Aba have been toiling and struggling to exist but have never been given any support by Okezie Ikpeazu. This particular accusation is not only ridiculous but also stupid.
I believe that even Nazi Germany’s arch propagandist Geobels, if he lived in Abia today couldn’t have said this knowing that the people would pelt him with stones on the streets. Perhaps this accuser and his principals would have preffered the APC/Osibanjo style of distributing 10 000 Naira each to artisans in Lagos markets for vote buying, to Ikpeazu’s well cordinated foreign training of artisans in skill acquisitions in far away China and subsequently equipping them with appropriate multimillion Naira equipments for effective and now polished output. Not even his provision of Federal assisted turbine for steady power supply for these hundreds of thoussnds of artisans at Ariaria could appeal to this power -hungry accusers.
Not even the world acclaimed Enyimba Economic City Project with all its provisions for industrialists and artisans could appeal to these agitators all because they want power and power for the sake of its spoils.
The climax of political nihilism is when someone sees wrongs and messiahs in different places where these do not exist.
Governor Ikpeazu mean well for Abia state. Even his disgruntled adversaries know this.


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