Photo: Woman born with no hands is a successful taxi driver


Mum-of-two Janet Brown was born with a birth defect which means she doesn’t have hands. The 31-year-old from North Carolina, U.S, manages to do everything by herself and even has a job where she has to constantly use her hands.

To provide for her family Janet has become an Uber and Lyft driver and works in the mornings while her two sons are in school or in daycare.

She said her passengers hardly notice how she uses her stump to steer the wheel and change gears. Janet, who also doesn’t have most of her toes, said the only real struggle is that she can’t wear open-toed shoes.

But to make other disabled people feel less alone, Janet has started a non-profit organisation, Inspiring With Helping Hands, to motivate and educate the world about disabled people.

She wants others to see that those with differences don’t need to hide themselves away for fear of what people might say, and those that are able should still go about their lives.

Janet has said she has no name for the condition that meant she was born without some of her limbs. ‘There is no everyday task that I can’t do – my condition doesn’t stop me from doing anything,’ said Janet. ‘Most of my passengers say that I am an excellent driver and most of them want me to be their personal Uber driver. ‘The common misconception is that people with a disability need help. And that’s just not always the case.’

Janet added that though well-intentioned people try to help her, it can be annoying to feel like she can’t do anything for herself. They also assume that her condition was caused by a tragic accident.

‘I don’t think that I am judged because I was born different but I think people think that I am helpless. I would prefer people to ask and not just assume or not just look. If you want to know just ask.’

She often tells her sons that though she looks different from other mums, she can do anything they can. In this way, and through her work with Helping Hands, she hopes she can help others.

Culled from


Daily Trust

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