By Kingsley Maduforo
The scorecard of Governor of Abia State, Gov. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, speaks of a man who is in a hurry to get to his destination. He is aware for the desired growth of the state and therefore sees the sustenance of the socioeconomic development of the state as vital.The growth of any nation is strongly linked to its road infrastructure. Lack of good and adequate road network is one of the major factors that hamper development and this informed Ikpeazu’s speedy response in tackling the dilapidated road network of the state.
Another giant stride of Gov. Ikpeazu is visible in trade and commerce, which is one of the bedrocks of his administration. With the right policies in place, the made-in-Aba brand has accelerated to a global brand. It has helped boost development and reduce poverty by generating growth through increased commercial opportunities and investment, as well as broadening the productive base through private sector development. It has facilitated our export diversification by allowing investors to invest in our products and materials and this has opened up new production possibilities. Gov. Ikpeazu’s great awareness of our local products, has expanded business opportunities for local industries in the state to grow by opening up new markets, removing unnecessary barriers and making it easier for them to export their products.
Harnessing the power of e-commerce for economic and sustainable development is paramount. This is a crucial moment when many governments are spreading their nets, analyzing the impact of digital economy and e-commerce in order to sustain the economic growth and development of their states. E-commerce indeed provides new opportunities and new markets for businesses to strive. It is in fact a powerful driver of economic growth, trade, job creation and promotion of local products. Governments, industries, and civil society organisations must come together so as to prepare to harness the opportunities of e-commerce as well as address its challenges. We can leave no one behind in this developmental journey.
In Abia today, e-commerce is seen as having the potential of becoming a major engine for trade and development. Gov. Ikpeazu is therefore using all avenues and mechanisms to actualize it, by making favourable policies that will help harness the opportunities for sustainable development which are embedded in it. It will expand the digital economy and create more business opportunities in the state. With the rapid improvement in the quality of the made-in-Aba brand, the awareness and popularization of the products as well as their demand will increase through e-commerce.
There has been alot of avenues to promote Made-in-Aba products,from Aba Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ACCIMA),successfully hosting their 3rd Aba International Trade Fair, with the theme: “Promoting Trade and Business Interaction for Sustainable Economic Development of Nigeria.”, to our annual Made-in-Aba Trade Fair in Abuja,under the leadership of Sen. Enyinnaya Abaribe and successfully hosting Made-in-Aba Fashion both in Abuja and United States by the Governor. This are avenues for promoting and announcing the made-in-Aba brand to the international community. It will enhance the state’s competitiveness by reducing the cost of inputs, acquire finance through investment, increase the value added of the products, move up the global value chain, encourage innovation by facilitating exchange of technological know-how, increase investment in research and development, and encourage foreign direct investment.
The genuine effort by this present administration, led by Gov. Okezie Ikpeazu in diversifying the economy of Abia State is highly commendable. Gov. Ikpeazu has created employment opportunities by boosting the economic sector which creates stable jobs and usually higher income, thus improving the livelihood of Abia citizens. The robust economic development agenda put in place by the present administration in the state, is yielding fruits, it has encouraged and sustained our locally-made goods. Aba being the hub of SMEs in Nigeria today is a major source of our strength and it behooves on us to leverage on this factor to promote made-in-Aba products, as Nigeria’s brand in terms of products and services since it remains the only means through which sustainable development can be granted.
Trade and commerce strengthen ties between nations by bringing people together in a peaceful and mutually beneficial exchanges and as such contribute to peace and stability. They also play a role in the improvement of quality, labour and environmental standards, the exchange of best practices between trade partners, and the building of capacity in industry and product standard. For these, we need to encourage Gov. Ikpeazu in his drive towards having a varied and dependable economy in Abia state. There is need for total collaboration and collective ideas in achieving the Abia of our dream; together, we can!
Kingsley Maduforo, a Media Analyst, writes from Aba.

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